We off a wide range of treatments to suit your lawns needs…
The first visit of the year will include a low nitrogen feed with a slow release to keep your lawn healthy and where required a moss treatment to help control the spread of moss. Luxury Lawns will check your lawn for disease and pest infestation and, where necessary after discussion with you, apply the pesticide required. At this time of the year it is too cold for weed killers to be effective therefore these will commence in the next treatment.
During the early summer treatment our fully qualified and experienced greenkeepers will select a fertiliser suitable to your lawn. As all lawns are different this is key to ensuring the lawn gets the best possible treatment. At this treatment a first application of selective weed killer will be applied. Again, Luxury Lawns will check your lawn for any sign of disease or lawn pests.
Again we will apply a controlled release fertiliser suitable to your lawn, which will keep your lawn looking that beautiful dark green colour you have always wanted. The second application of a selective weed killer will be applied and checks for disease and pests which may be attacking your lawn will be carried out.
Probably the most important treatment of the year the autumn / winter treatment contains ferrous sulphate iron which kills and helps prevent the spread off moss – at this time of year moss is extremely active. This treatment also hardens and strengthens the lawn for the winter months ahead. Again, we will check for any signs of disease and pests.
If you have any concerns about your lawn please (either before or after a treatment) please let us know. If your query is about the results of a treatment in most cases we would advise waiting 2-3 weeks after a treatment to allow it to work but no longer than 4 weeks otherwise it is too late!
Lawn aeration helps create a healthier lawn as the holes punched in the lawn during this process allow the grass to breathe. The holes help water and nutrients reach the grass roots which in turn helps to create a deep strong grass plant root. Aeration is particularly advantageous for compacted lawns that hold surface water.
Mechanically scarifying a lawn removes the thatch build up and dead moss. This process reduces the spongy feel under foot, allows grass to grow and discourages the build up of moss and lawn pests such as leather jackets.
Please note that, when scarifying, Luxury Lawns will rake and bag up all dead moss, thatch etc and leave for customer to dispose off.
Luxury Lawns can supply and apply a dynamic combination anti-viral/anti-bacterial disinfectant, fungicide/algaecide and detergent. It kills mould, algae and moss in typically 2-4 days and is followed by a slow cleaning action in the following weeks and months. This product will generally prevent regrowth for 6 – 9 months.
With no pressure washing or scrubbing this service does not wash out sand from between monoblocks.
Luxury Lawns offer a total weed killing service to areas such as gravel pathways, bankings etc. This will kill all grass and most weeds.
We off a wide range of treatments to suit your lawns needs…
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